Myths About Donating Blood - Know Before You Donate

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Author: Dr. Alok Jain, Pathologist

Myth No. 1: It will hurt.

Beyond the pinch of the needle and the pressure on your arm from the tourniquet, donating blood does not hurt. You may experience some dizziness or lightheadedness during or after your donation.

Myth No. 2: It takes a long time.

Registration and processing times vary, but blood donation itself takes around 8-10 minutes. Registration involves filling out a form with personal information and verifying your identification. Then, you will answer questions about health and travel history and receive a brief physical examination to determine if you are eligible to donate blood. Your personal information will remain confidential. 
You will also be required to spend some time recovering before you leave, but don’t worry, there will be snacks.

Myth No. 3: I’m too old/young

While the age for donation without consent from a parent or guardian is 18 to 60 years.

Myth No. 4: Blood can be stored forever. 

Blood and its different components have different shelf lives. If not used right away, whole blood can be refrigerated for up to 35 days. So, regular blood donation is important.

Myth No. 5: I can’t donate if my iron level is low.

This is not necessarily true. Iron is a part of what makes up hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in your blood. Before you donate, your hemoglobin levels will be tested via finger prick to ensure that it is safe for you to give blood. If your hemoglobin is too low, you’ll be more likely to faint or feel ill from giving blood. For your safety, you would not be able to donate blood that day.

Myth No. 6: I can’t donate if I’m on medication.

This is only partially true. It is not the medication itself, but the reason why you are prescribed the medication that could disqualify you from donating blood. 

Myth No. 7: I can only donate once a year.

Your blood replenishes itself, but not all at once. Your body replaces the plasma you lost within 24 hours. Red blood cells take about 4-6 weeks to be completely replenished. That’s why you must wait at least 56 days between donations of whole blood.

Myth No. 8: I can’t donate if I have tattoos or piercings.

If you were tattooed or pierced with a single-use instrument at a tattoo parlor which is state regulated, you can donate without restriction. If not, you must wait one year to donate blood.

Myth No. 9: I can’t donate if I’ve traveled.

Depending on where you traveled and when, you may not be able to donate blood for up to one year. Travel to countries with notable and active viral outbreaks is a risk and will be assessed on a case-to-case basis by the nurse or technician handling your donation registration.

Myth No. 10: I will have short of blood.

Few people think they won’t have enough blood for himself if they donate – we take only 350-400 ml of blood out of 5L blood in our body.

Myth No. 11: I will suffer from disease.

People think they may contract a disease- Donating blood is completely safe. There is no chance of infection as we use sterile equipments.

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