Dr. Surajit Hazarika

Senior Consultant (Department of Urology and Genito urinary Surgery)

Dr Surajit Hazarika is an expert urologist in Guwahati. He did his MBBS from AMCH , Dibrugarh , MS (Surgery ) from GMCH and continued his service as Registrar (APSC) in the department of General Surgery for couple of years ,after that Dr. Hazarika appeared All India level examination to persue Super speciality course in Urology and Genito urinary surgery and got 64 national rank . He was selected in the Department of Urology and Post graduate research centre B J Medical college ,Ahmedabad ,Gujarat which is the hub of urological training programme all over India. He is well trained in the the field of Endo urology , Laser Uro surgery ,Advanced laparoscopic and Robotic surgery and Kidney Transplantation .Dr Hazarika is best uro-onco-surgeon practicing in this field for many years. He is a dedicated compassionate doctor who handles many challenging cases with the latest state-of-the-art technology. He not only cures his patients with minimally invasive advanced technology , but he guides them through friendly behavior which helps to keep the patients not only cured but also happy.

user-graduate Educational Qualification

MBBS (AMCH - Dibrugarh)
MS(GMCH-Guwahati )
MCh (BJ Medical colleges, Ahmedabad)

Professional Experience

Ex Registrar GMCH
Senior Consultant Hayat Hospital Guwahati 
Senior Consultant Dispur polyclinic and hospital 
Senior Consultant Marwari Maternity Hospital, Guwahati 
Visiting Consultant: Aditya hospital Nagaon, SIMS Hospital Nagaon, JJ hospital Silchar, Crystal Diagnostic Jorhat, 

Additional Qualifications:

Trained in Advanced Laser Technology in Urology 
Advanced Laparoscopic Urology 
Robotic Urology 

Expertise and disease treated:


1. Cystourethroscopy and Visual internal urethrotomy 
2. TURP (Transurethral resection of Prostate)
3. TURBT (Transurethral resection of  bladder tumour)
4. Holep ( Holmium laser enucleation of Prostate)
5. PUCL (Perurethral cystolithotripsy for bladder stone)
6. SPCL ( suprapubic cystolithotripsy)
7. URSL for Ureteric stone
8. PCNL (percutaneous cystolithotomy )
9. RIRS ( Retrograde intrarenal Surgery with Laser )


Lap radical nephrectomy 
Lap Simple Nephrectomy 
Lap partial Nephrectomy 
Lap Adrenalectomy 
Lap Pyeloplasty
Lap Cyst deroofing 
Lap Uretetolithotomy
Lap Cystoprostatectomy
Lap Prostatectomy 
Lap VVF repair
Laparoscopic Orchiopexy
Laparoscopic Ureteric reimplantation

Uro Onco surgery:

1.Trans urethral resection of bladder tumour 
2.Laparoscopic Radical cystoprostectomy with Urinary diversion for advanced urinary bladder cancer
3.Lap Radical Nephrectomy for kidney tumour 
4.Lap Radical Prostatectomy for Prostate cancer 
5. Hormaonal therapy for Prostate cancer

Reconstructive :

Urethroplasty for Stricture diseases 
Hypospadias surgery 
TOT and TVT for female stress urinary incontinence
Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty

Congenital urinary tract Disease:

Endoscopic Posterior urethral valve fulguration
Transurethral injection for VUR 
Transurethral incision of ureterocele

Male sexual dysfunction :

Vericocele surgery 
Infertility treatment 
Erectile dysfunction Surgry
Surgery for penile diseases

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